
Here is a snapshot of some of the many awards and accolades Birmingham City University has received.

You can keep up to date with all of the University's latest achievements by joining the conversation on ourOfficial Facebook Page, or by following @MyBCU, the main University Twitter account.





New campus voted West Midlands most sustainable

Birmingham City University's new multi-million pound flagship campus was honoured with the 'Sustainability Award' at the Insider West Midlands Property Awards in November, beating competition from Birmingham Library and Two Snowhill.




Marketing ‘Oscar’ for University project

The University was honoured last week at the national Heist Awards, the ‘Oscars’ of education marketing. Last year’s inaugural Birmingham Made Me expo was awarded a silver medal in the Best Business Engagement category. Beverley Nielsen, Director of Employer Engagement, said: "It's fantastic to be recognised in this way."




BCU and its Students' Union rewarded for partnership success.

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) and NUS have jointly awarded the ‘Students’ Union and Institution Partnership Award’ to Birmingham City University and its Student's Union.




The University has retained its ‘first class’ rating in this year’s People and Planet Green League.

Published in the Guardian, the league table placed the University 27th out of 143 institutions and was praised for its commitment to sustainably sourced food.




University staff have raised over £3,500 to help build three water pumps at schools in Zambia.

Members of staff were asked to bring their unwanted clothes, books, music and homewares to a work collection point as part of the Oxfam Collects scheme. Overall we donated a total of £3,744 through the scheme, which was organised by Professor Fiona Church, Executive Dean for ELSS.




The University has been awarded an EcoCampus Platinum award in honour of its environmental work.

The EcoCampus Platinum award makes the University one of only 10 institutions in the country to have won the award. Since 2005/6, the University has seen a 19 per cent reduction in carbon emissions, a 37 per cent reduction in water use and achieved zero waste to landfill from our central waste contract for the first time in 2012.





Lord Stafford Award Finalist

A partnership between the University and a leading jewellery business has made it through to the finals of a national award scheme. The collaboration, between the University and R Holt & Co, is a finalist in the Lord Stafford Awards.




Gold Investors in People Award

The Student Services department has been recognised with a gold Investors in People award. The gold award comes on top of another success for Student Services, which has also received a Matrix quality award for the high standard of support provided to staff and students at the University.

"I’d like to thank everyone in the department for their hard work, perseverance and professionalism in helping to achieve both of these awards."

 Pamela Bell-Ashe Director of Student Services




Gold Award at the New York Radio Festival

A radio programme produced by the University’s School of Media has won a gold award at the New York Radio Festival
Postgraduate students and Radio Degree Leader Sam Coley worked alongside staff from radio station Xfm to create the series ‘Xfm 25’, which was awarded gold in the ‘Best Music Special’ entertainment category. Each episode celebrated the 25th anniversary of an influential album released during 1986 and featured the work of artists like Prince, The Smiths and REM.




Shortlisted for Best PR/Advocacy Campaign

The University's press team, part of the University’s Marketing and Communications department, is shortlisted for ‘Best PR/Advocacy Campaign’ at the annual Heist Awards for its success in promoting the University’s expertise in green technology.





Best Practice winner in the NUS Student Engagement Awards

The Students’ Union and the University’s Centre for Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT) are named Best Practice winner in the NUS Student Engagement Awards 2011. They win the award for theVirtual Students’ Union and are praised for preparing prospective students for progression into higher education and integrating into university life.


Winner of the Times Higher Education Leadership and Management Award

The University’s International Office becomes a winner of a prestigiousTimes Higher Education Leadership and Management Award for 2011for Outstanding International Strategy.